Whew! How’s your fall going?
Photo by Michelle McAfee
October is the busiest month of the year. Geese announce the coming change of season as the crops ripen - all at once. Fat tomatoes hang heavy on the vine, pleading for my attention. I will get to it one of these days. I feel like the squirrels corkscrewing up and down the fir trees frantically gathering goods that will get us through the winter.
Migrating vultures heading south rest for a day in the treetops, then spiral up invisible thermals and disappear into the blue sky on their way to warmer lands. They seem so chill and mellow, soaring circles above me running in circles. The first time I saw this October phenomenon, it gave me goosebumps. Spiraling Vultures still amaze and intrigue me, even after thirteen years of living in this valley, welcoming those winged visitors every fall. One of them left a feather this morning on the garden trail as a parting gift.
A quickening happens this month of harvest as we careen toward All-Hallow’s Eve. I feel it in my bones - the urge to put up wood, boil down apples, and kiss the long days of summer goodbye. The fuzzy blanket in the closest calls my name, and I know soon enough I’ll be cozied up by the woodstove, on the couch, watching Netflix for the first time since last February.
When the gathering whirlwind settles down a little, I will get back to writing stories for you. For now, I wanted to say hello, my friend, and wish you a smooth change of season. And if you can break away from the day-to-day, I highly recommend finding a great big tree to hug. They seem to hold the earth still beneath our scurrying feet. There is strong medicine in holding onto something that stands in one place so long.
October, I love you. And you wear me out. And thanks for the rain. And the ripening.
© 2021 Michelle McAfee